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Lightning deaths top One dozen in 2023

Lightning deaths in America topped more than one dozen in 2023 which is slightly below the 30-year average of 20 killed per year, according to NOAA. Hundreds more are injured and suffer lifelong neurological damage from the electrical shock. (Source:

As in the past years, most lightning fatality victims are male. What is surprising this year is the increased number of fatalities that came from people out walking or swimming instead of those impacted on the job site. There were even several children and teenagers impacted this year which is frequently not the case.

Below are the recorded deaths as of December 29, 2023.

14/6ThuVALouisa County73MLakeBoating
24/15SatPAChester County48MRoadwayDriving car
34/16SunFLBrevard County39MOn waterBoating
45/15MonTXValley Mills34MDrivewayWalking home from bus stop
55/15MonTXValley Mills6MDrivewayWalking home from bus stop
76/21WedNEGarden City24MOpen areaOn horse checking on cattle
87/24MonNYLincoln39MUnder treeRoofing
98/5MonOKMayes CntyteenFCreekSwimming
108/7MonALFlorence28MParking lotWorking
139/26TueFLPutnam Cnty16FUnder treeHunting


MONITOR THE FORECAST CLOSELY and don’t start anything that can’t be stopped quickly so you can seek shelter. Pay attention to early signs of storms including darkening clouds, increasing wind, and distant lightning or thunder.

FOLLOW YOUR COMPANY’S WEATHER SAFETY PROGRAM which should be a formal policy that is followed by all employees to avoid lightning and other storm dangers. If your company doesn’t have one, we can assist with creating one. NO PLACE OUTSIDE IS SAFE! If you hear thunder, you must get indoors immediately.


  • Tall objects, scaffolding, rooftops, and ladders
  • Large equipment such as cranes, backhoes, tractors, and bulldozers (just a few suggestions)
  • Materials and surfaces that conduct electricity such as scaffolding, metal objects, plumbing, and power lines
  • Leave areas with explosives

Severe Brainstorm conducts weather training and severe weather planning for your team so there’s no questioning what to do during active and severe weather. Contact us for an introductory virtual meeting.

We make sure your staff is well-equipped to recognize and act quickly when threatening weather approaches. We are also able to help mitigate damage to supplies, and most importantly, your reputation.